Thursday, July 22, 2010

Heading Home

Heading Home

As indicated in the last blog, due to mechanical damage we were obliged to stay on the bitumen for the rest of the journey. As it turns out this is okay because we are ready to go home. Whilst we had the time to see the Flinders Ranges I doubt we could have done them justice. We have decided that a return trip to this part of the world is a must in the future. We would probably incorporate some of the tracks we could not do this time due to wet conditions.

The drive to Port Augusta is quite spectacular. The Flinders Ranges in the distance provides a changing backdrop to some unique and interesting features closer to the road. A couple of large lakes and mud-flats caught our attention. Leaving Port Augusta we travelled via Quorn and followed a road that runs parallel to the main drag from Port Augusta to Port Pirie on the eastern side of the mountains. The countryside is green and lush at this time of the year and makes for pleasant travelling. We found the best off-road camp site for our entire three months away just south of Wilmington. It was beautiful! The site was level, quiet and there was an abundant supply of wood for a fire. The weather fined up for us and apart from a few minor showers we enjoyed a great night under the stars. The next morning a mist rolled in off the hills and created a whole new experience – fantastic!

We stopped at a little roadside winery in Clare and bought half a dozen bottles to add to our collection. The only problem was where in the car to put them! I finally made space by juggling and re-packing much of the back seat.

Our last night on the road was spent at a roadside camp just outside West Wyalong. We wanted to avoid a caravan park and achieved it with another great spot. You know, level and plenty of firewood. Unfortunately this one was not so quiet because despite being well off the road the trucks continued to roar past. This however did not spoil the enjoyment of this last campsite.

The drive through Mildura, Hay, West Wyalong, Grenfell, Cowra, Bathurst and finally home was interesting if not remarkable. The countryside is just so green at the moment. All the dams are full and there is water lying around everywhere.

We are technically not home quite yet as I write this blog. We decided to spend a night in Katoomba at the Carrington to spoil ourselves before facing unpacking and cleaning.

Well, this is the last blog from the road. We hope you have enjoyed reading it and viewing the pictures. It has been an amazing three months and we plan to write a final blog when we get home reflecting on the journey. This may not be for a little while however as I suspect the backlog of jobs to do and the task of kick-starting our new lives will occupy front and centre of our attention for a little while.

Whilst I may have been the primary motivator for this adventure, Tia would readily agree now that the adventure has been worth it. Whilst we did not get to see everything we planned to see, we saw much more than we expected. We therefore strongly encourage anyone who may be thinking about doing this type of adventure to do what you have to do to turn it into reality!

Farewell and love to all,

Alan and Tia

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